WARNING: Don't read this before you watch Endgame.|Avenger: End game spoiler-Heavy review

Warning: the following review is for anyone who has already seen Avengers: Endgame, or who doesn't mind reading spoilers.

We’ve finally learned who made it out alive – and the line we’ve all been waiting for. But was the final instalment really as satisfying as the critics said?
Avengers: Endgame is now in theaters and the Marvel Cinematic Universe will never be the same, as there are some crazy moments comic book and movie fans will enjoy, which leads to even more spoilers. The final film in the Infinity Saga may not be the end of the MCU, but Avengers: Endgameincludes major events that leave their mark on the shared Marvel universe.

Picking up almost directly after the events of Avengers: Infinity WarEndgame explores both the fallout from the Decimation as well as how the remaining Avengers intend to stop Thanos (Josh Brolin) once and for all. It's the longest MCU movie to date, with a three hour and one minute runtime that leaves plenty of room for both epic battles and character-driven moments. Endgame's budget is equally massive, reportedly costing somewhere between $350-400 million to make, but of course, that's a small price tag when compared to the $1 billion (or more) the film is almost guaranteed to gross at the box office
You can read the full spoiler review below:

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SOurce: Nerdist


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